Workplace Health & Safety

RRC provides expert advice on health safety at work in accordance with the provisions of the implementing rules of occupational safety health Law No. 319/2006

Preparing documentation file includes:

  • Specific safety and health instructions at work for each job / activity performed;
  • Specific instructions for safely using work equipment;
  • Developing themes for all phases of training, establishing appropriate periodicity for each job;
  • Preparing Work Health and Safety Instructions on periodicity training;
  • Preparing job description including duties and responsibilities on Health and Safety at Work of workers, suitable to exercised functions;
  • Preparation of authority (decision) documents;
  • Preparing normative framework for granting PPI (personal protective equipment) by identifying personal protective equipment required for workstations within the company, according to GD no. 1048/2006;
  • Evidence of workstations that require additional medical exams;
  • Evidence of trades and professions which require the authorization of their exercise;
  • Evidence of high risk areas (where appropriate);
  • Preparing and updating Prevention and Protection Plan;
  • Case Price is included into contract value!

Monthly support:

Assistance monthly price depends on the type of work!